Friday, February 24, 2012

Brethine, Cerclage, Magnesium Sulfate....MISERY

After finding out this news and being terrified i was then sent to the hospital to get a shot of Brethine to stop any possible contractions and to be monitored for contractions. After they gave me the Brethine shot (which by the way made me feel like i was having a heart attack) they looked at my monitor results and sais everything looked fine i was not having any contractions and sent me home WHICH THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE DONE! They told me to go to my local hospital the next day to be monitored again (instead of this hospital which was 30 minutes away with specialists in preterm labor and a nicu)....

Upon getting to the hospital the next day they again hooked me up to a contraction monitor and put an i.v. in incase they needed to start me on Magnesium Sulfate. I was not having any contractions but when the doctor came in to check me to see if i had dialeted or if my cervix had thinned out anymore she said that she could not do a cerclage on me because my cervix was too thin and that my water bag was bulging and that she COULD PHYSICALLY SEE BABY A (at this point i thought for sure that none of this was real and that i was in a terribly horrifying nightmare that just kept getting worse and worse)

The doctor proceeded to tell me that she thought for sure the babies would be delivered that day and they would not make it. She proceeded to put me in the Trendelenburg position and said she would do everything she could to keep the babies in until they were viable but that there was basicly a 0 percent chance of them making it.

She had me transported by ambulance back to the other hospital (which i should have been at all along) where they started me on Mag Sulfate THE WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD (besides not knowing if your babies are going to make it or not)

I don't remember much about that night besides yelling at the nurse to take my catheter out because it was hurting so bad and arguing with her about turning the air conditioner on becuase i literally felt like my body was on fire from the Mag. It was miserabbbllleeeee!!

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