Friday, February 24, 2012

Elizabeth's journey to a new hospital including compressions, bowel issues, fluid in her chest, and platelet issues all in 1 day

They decided to air lift Elizabeth to a new hospital today where they are equipped to do her PDA ligation surgery.

WELL...when she got there

they had to change her breathing tube to a bigger one because they said the one she had in was leaking air and that they had to BAG her and do COMPRESSIONS to get her back :/

They also said something was wrong with her stomach that is was blue and swolen and their was low bowel gasses on her x-ray so they quit feeding her

They also said her pic line was leaking fluid into her chest and that her platelet count dropped dramatically in 3 days so they thought she had a funful infection :/

She now has 4 iv's and is too sick for surgery :/

Back at home...Riley is doing good. she is eating 7 ccs now!

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