Friday, February 24, 2012

placenta previa, c-section, nicu

I managed to hold on until i was 24 weeks and 2 days pregnant. January 13, 2010.

That morning i was having contractions but before the doctors could do anything or get me back on any medicine i THOUGHT my water broke. I called the nurse back in...she pulled back the sheets....BLOOD, LOTS OF BLOOD

Placenta Previa...what was happening? what did this mean? was i going to die? were they going to be okay?

They told me they had to do an emergency c-section or all 3 of us would die. the Nicu doctors came up and talked to me again about not getting my hopes up that the chance of them surving this was slim to none.

They rushed me off to surgery and at 1:54 pm baby A was born and at 1:55 baby B was born....

I heard no cries....heard a bunch of people talking throwing aroung all of these words that i had no idea what they meant...i am asking if they are okay and no one is answering me...

i didn't get to see my babies before they rushed them off to the NICU.

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